Old Photograph Guild Street Aberdeen Scotland

Old photograph of Guild Street in Aberdeen, Scotland. William Guild, born 1586, died 1657, was a Scottish minister, academic and theological writer. He was born in Aberdeen, and was educated at Marischal College. He received licence to preach in 1605, and in 1608 was ordained minister of the parish of King Edward in his native county. Two years later his wealth was increased by his marriage with Katherine Rolland or Rowen of Disblair, Aberdeenshire. Guild was made a chaplain to King Charles I, by the support of Peter Young. Soon afterwards he received the degree of D.D., then almost unknown in Scotland. He was translated to the second charge at Aberdeen in 1631, where he joined the clergy in supporting episcopacy. In 1632 he was created the first Patron of the Seven Incorporated Trades of Aberdeen and held this role until 1657 when he was succeeded by Reverend John Menzies. Guild went as commissioner to the Glasgow assembly of 1638, which deposed the Scottish bishops. In March 1640 an army approached Aberdeen to enforce unconditional subscription of the Covenant. Guild for a time took refuge in Holland, but soon returned, and administered the communion according to the presbyterian form on 3 November. In August 1640 the covenanters expelled Dr. William Leslie, and appointed Guild principal of King's College, Aberdeen, in preference to Robert Baillie. He retired from his position as minister, preaching for the last time on 27 June 1641. He helped in the dismantling of the bishop's palace at Old Aberdeen and the purging of the cathedral and the college chapel of ornaments; but Andrew Cant, then all powerful at Aberdeen, thought him lukewarm, and at the visitation of King's College by Oliver Cromwell's military commissioners in 1651 he was deprived. Guild was a benevolent man; he purchased the convent of the Trinity Friars at Aberdeen and endowed it as a hospital, for which he received a royal charter in 1633. His widow left an endowment to maintain poor students, and for other charitable purposes. He died at Aberdeen on 25 July August, and was remembered there for his benefactions to its public institutions; there is a William Guild Building in the University. He is buried against the west boundary wall of the Kirk of St Nicholas in Aberdeen. The huge monument bears the date 1659: the year of the death of his wife, Katharine Rolland.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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