Old Photograph Floral Clock Princes Street Gardens Edinburgh Scotland

Old photograph of the Floral Clock in Princes Street Gardens in Edinburgh, Scotland. The first floral clock was the idea of John McHattie, Superintendent of Parks in Edinburgh, Scotland and the clockmaker James Ritchie. It was first planted up in the spring of 1903 in West Princes Street Gardens. In that year it had only an hour hand but a minute hand was added the following year. A cuckoo which popped out every hour was added in 1905. The clock was soon imitated across the United Kingdom and later throughout the world. The clock mechanism is set inside the plinth of the statue to Allan Ramsay adjacent. The first mechanism using salvaged parts from Elie Parish Church in Fife was installed by Ritchie. A new mechanism was installed in 1934 and is still maintained by Ritchie's company.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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