Old Photograph The Kingston Bridge Glasgow Scotland

Old photograph of The Kingston Bridge which spans the River Clyde in Glasgow, Scotland. Carrying the M8 motorway through the city centre, the Kingston Bridge is the busiest bridge in Europe, carrying around 150,000 vehicles every day. Kingston Bridge was first proposed in 1945 as part of the Glasgow Inner Ring Road scheme. After feasibility studies were carried out, William Fairhurst was appointed consulting engineer for the design of the bridge and its approaches and on 15 May 1967 construction began. Construction was a joint venture between Logan and Marples Ridgway. The eventual cost was £2.4m excluding the approach viaducts (or around £11m in total). On 26 June 1970 Kingston Bridge was opened by Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mothe

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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