Old Photograph Model Yacht Pond Rothesay Scotland

Old photograph of the model yacht pond in Rothesay, Isle of Bute, Scotland. Model yachting is the pastime of building and racing model yachts. It has always been customary for ship builders to make a miniature model of the vessel under construction, which is in every respect a copy of the original on a small scale. Model yacht clubs have existed for many years in Great Britain, Ireland and the United States, most of them holding a number of regattas during each season. Traditional models are constructed of some light, seasoned wood, such as pine, preferably white pine, white cedar or mahogany free from knots. During the Victorian era, Rothesay developed as a popular tourist destination. It became hugely popular with visitors from Glasgow. Rothesay was also the location of one of Scotland's many hydropathic establishments during the 19th century boom years of the Hydropathy movement. The town also had an electric tramway, the Rothesay and Ettrick Bay Light Railway, which stretched across the island to one of its largest beaches. However, this closed in the mid 1930s.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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