Old Travel Blog Photograph The Manse Glendevon Scotland

Old travel Blog photograph of the Manse in Glendevon, Perthshire, Scotland. A manse is a clergy house inhabited by, or formerly inhabited by, a minister, usually used in the context of Presbyterian, Methodist, United church, Baptist and other traditions. Ultimately derived from the Latin mansus, " dwelling ", from manere, " to remain ", by the 16th century the term meant both a dwelling and, in ecclesiastical contexts, the amount of land needed to support a single family. Many notable Scots have been called " sons, or daughters, of the manse", and the term is a recurring point of reference within Scottish media and culture. When selling a former manse, the Church of Scotland always requires that the property should not be called " The Manse " by the new owners, but " The Old Manse " This Scottish glen is located near the small town of Auchterarder and Gleneagles Hotel. The glen stretches south eastwards from the source of the River Devon to Yetts o' Muckhart.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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