Old Travel Blog Photograph Land Rover Postbus Isle of Oronsay Scotland

Old photograph of a Land Rover Postbus delivering mail from Colonsay to the Isle of Oronsay, a small tidal island south of Colonsay in the Inner Hebrides of Scotland. Royal Mail postbuses have been providing transport services in some of the UK's most isolated locations since 1967. They offer a lifeline to rural communities, while allowing environmentally conscientious and budget travellers to explore far flung areas and benefit from local knowledge. The 220 postbus routes in the UK carry about 125,000 passengers each year and the buses range from estate cars and Land Rovers to mini-buses seating up to 15 people. The buses can be hailed anywhere along their routes. Services follow the pattern of mail deliveries and collections, and most vehicles provide a twice-daily service from Monday to Friday.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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