Old Travel Blog Photograph Fishwives Harbour Dunbar Scotland

Old travel Blog photograph of fishwives by the harbour in Dunbar, Scotland. A town of three harbours, Dunbar was once a major herring and whaling port. Its old harbour dates from 1710. Fishwives had very distinctive clothing, brightly coloured, often with a blue shawl. They were women from fishing villages whose men were out fishing or unmarried women. They often had to carry big creels on their back which were a fair weight, about 100lbs. From Dunbar inland to Lauder in the Borders ran the Herring Road, used by the fishwives heading to their rural customers. They would walk up to 30 miles a day to markets, selling the fish or bartering them for meal and eggs.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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