Old Photograph Pullar Park Bridge Of Allan Scotland

Old photograph of Pullar Park and gardens in Bridge Of Allan near Stirling, Scotland. The Park is located off Henderson Street in Bridge of Allan. The Park was donated to the local community by Major Edmund Pullar in 1919 following World War 1, as a location for a War Memorial. The Memorial was unveiled at the official opening ceremony on the 26th May 1923. The Memorial was first dedicated in 1923 to commemorate the servicemen of Bridge of Allan who gave their lives in the Great War 1914 to 1919. Then, in 1947, it was rededicated listing the names of members of the armed services who fell in World War II. The cenotaph, an obelisk set on a marble plinth - was refurbished and rededicated in 2009.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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