Tour Scotland Video Fiddle And Smallpipes Music Cathedral Perth Perthshire

Tour Scotland travel video of fiddle and smallpipes in the Cathedral on ancestry, genealogy history visit and trip to Perth, Perthshire. Smallpipes are extremely popular with Highland pipers, many of whom keep them, or a set of Border pipes as a second instrument, usually preferring the mouth blown versions, and play them according to the Highland tradition. The Scottish smallpipes were the first widely available instrument to allow Highland pipers to participate in musical sessions with fiddlers, flautists and other instruments, as well as to accompany singers. However, modern Scottish Border pipes, many of which are becoming quieter and more reliable than their predecessors, may slowly be replacing the Scottish Smallpipes as the highland piper's session instrument of choice.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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