Tour Scotland Video John Wemyss Writer Gravestone Old Kirk Graveyard Kirkcaldy Fife

Tour Scotland video of the John Wemyss, Writer, gravestone in the Old Kirk cemetery on ancestry visit to Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland. Sacred to the memory of John Wemyss,, Writer, who died July 1841 aged 39, Esther, his wife, who died, June 1840, aged 30, and Esther Ferrier, their daughter, who died, February 1845 aged 5.

The surname Wemyss is derived from the Scottish Gaelic uaimh which means cave. It is believed to be taken from the caves of the Wemyss, Fife, by the Firth of Forth, where the Wemyss family made their home. Wemyss Castle in Fife has been the seat of the chiefs of Clan Wemyss since the twelfth century. The chiefs are one of the few noble families who are descended from the Celtic nobility through the Clan MacDuff Earls of Fife. Sir Michael Wemyss along with his brother, Sir David, and also Scott of Balwearie were sent to Norway to bring back the infant Queen Margaret, the " Maid of Norway ", in 1290.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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