Tour Scotland Video John Grant Fifeshire Militia Gravestone Old Kirk Graveyard Kirkcaldy Fife

Tour Scotland video of the John Grant, Fifeshire Militia, gravestone in the Old Kirk cemetery on ancestry visit to Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland. Erected by John McDonald Senior. In memory of John Grant, Lieutenant and Quartermaster, Fifeshire Militia, died 31st July 1835 aged 82. The above John McDonald, died 22nd January 1844 aged 75. Janet Arnot his wife, died 12th May 1849 aged 78. Alexander McDonald, their son, died 13th September 1868 aged 59, and Mary Martin, his wife, died 14th December 1868 aged 58.

The surname Grant was first introduced into Scotland in the year 1258, when Robertus Grant who had formerly held estates in England, was a witness to a charter in Inverness in the Highlands. As Sir Robert Grant he was the sherriff of Inverness in 1266, and effectively founder of the Scottish clan dynasty. Other examples of the name recording include: Gilbert Grant in the Eynsham Cartulary for the city of Oxford, England, in the year 1183, William Le Grand of Norfolk in 1204, and in the Assize Court Rolls of Yorkshire, William le Grant in 1219. One of the most notable bearers of the name was Ulysses S. Grant, born 1822, died 1885, the eighteenth president of the United States, from 1869 to 1877, and commander in chief of Union forces in the American Civil War.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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