Tour Scotland Video James Philip Gravestone Old Kirk Graveyard Kirkcaldy Fife

Tour Scotland video of the James Philip, Schoolmaster, gravestone in the Old Kirk cemetery on ancestry visit to Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland. This was the father of Dr John Philip who was a missionary in South Africa. Philip was born at Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland. After starting as an apprentice to a linen draper in Leven, and working as a clerk in Dundee, he entered the Wesleyan theological college at Hoxton, and in 1804 was appointed minister of the first Scottish Congregational chapel in Aberdeen. On 24 September 1809 he married Jane Ross, the daughter of a prosperous Aberdeen engineer; they had seven children.

The ancestors of the bearers of the name Philip were the ancient Britons that inhabited in the hills and Moors of Wales. This surname was derived from the personal name Philip. This name, which was usually Latinized as Philippus, was originally derived from the Greek name Philippos. This Greek name was composed of the words " philein ," which means " to love, " and " hippos, " which means " horse. " The personal name Philip owed its popularity to the medieval romances about Alexander the Great, whose father was Philip of Macedon.

The spelling variations of the name Philip have included Phillips, Philips, Phillip, Philip, Pilip, Pillips, Fillip, Filip, Filips, Phillipes, Philipes, Phillup, Philups, Fillups, Filups, Pilups, Pillups, Fulop and many more.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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