Tour Scotland Video Interior Old Kirk Kirkcaldy Fife

Tour Scotland video of the interior of the Old Kirk on ancestry visit to Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland. The Old Kirk contains several fine stained glass windows, including two from the William Morris works in Surrey. These are on the east wall, and are the oldest stained glass windows in the church, dating from the 1880s. The northern window depicts Elijah and Moses with the Ten Commandments. The southern window, said to be the finer of the two, shows Ruth, the immigrant who showed what full love is like. These windows were designed by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, and produced at the William Morris works. Sections of the windows have distinctive William Morris type styling. All the windows on the north and south walls were donated to the kirk by Mr John Hunter in 1914, with some of them being dedicated to various members of his family. The upper sections of all these windows show well known ministers associated with the Church of Scotland since the Reformation, such as John Knox, George Wishart and George Gillespie. The lower sections depict scenes from the Gospel.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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