Old Photograph Walking Path West Princes Street Gardens Edinburgh Scotland

Old photograph of people on the walking path in West Princes Street Gardens in Edinburgh, Scotland. West Princes Street Gardens were originally the private property of " the Princes Street Proprietors " who overlooked them from their houses on the western half of the street. This was passed to them from the council in 1816. Dogs, cricket, perambulators and smoking were prohibited under their rules, and people using bath chairs had to present a doctor's certificate to the Committee of the garden attesting to their ailment not being contagious. An application by the Scottish Association for Suppressing Drunkenness that the gardens be opened during Christmas and New Year " with the object of keeping parties out of the whisky shops i.e. illegal drinking premises " led eventually to them being opened to the general public on Christmas Day, New Year's Day and one other day in the year.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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