Old Photograph Saint Columba Hotel Island Of Iona Scotland

Old photograph of the Saint Columba Hotel on the Island of Iona, Scotland. The original building was the Free Church Manse constructed in 1846 and occupied by the Reverend Donald McVean and his family. The architect was Rowan Anderson who supervised the first restoration of the Abbey in 1874. The Duke of Argyll did not renew the lease and on the 9th May 1868 the following advertisement appeared in the Oban Times: " Island of Iona. Notice of house to let. Two public and six bedrooms. Well adapted for the accommodation of travellers. Well worthy the attention of persons accustomed to the management of inns or lodging houses. There is a walled garden well stocked with fruit trees, and some parks with grazing, if required, can be added. "

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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