Old Photograph Oskamull Farm Dun Mor Isle Of Mull Scotland

Old photograph of Oskamull Farm at Dun Mor on the Isle of Mull, Scotland. Slight remains of a fort are situated on the summit of a rocky knoll North East of Oskamull farmhouse. The position is one of considerable natural strength, being protected by steep grassy slopes on the East and elsewhere by crags. The fort measures 47m from North to South by 44m transversely within a single stone wall. Where the wall survives it has been reduced to a low stone mound measuring up to 1.2m in thickness; short stretches of outer face can still be seen on the North and West, several of the stones on the former side being set on end. The entrance probably lay on the South side, where a gully breaches the line of the wall. The interior, which falls in a series of natural terraces from its highest point on the West, is heather covered in those areas where the rock is not exposed, and no structures are visible.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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