Old Photograph High Street Mauchline Scotland

Old photograph of cottage, houses and church on the High Street in Mauchline, Ayrshire, Scotland. This town is where Jean Armour and Robert Burns lived in 1788. Born in Mauchline, Ayrshire in 1765, Jean Armour was second oldest of the eleven children of stonemason James Armour and Mary Smith Armour. She met Robert Burns on a drying green in Mauchline around 1784 when she chased his dog away from her laundry. According to Armour's testimony in 1827, she met Burns again at a local dance and they subsequently " fell acquainted ". Her marriage to Robert Burns was registered on 5 August 1788 in Mauchline, the parish records describe them as having been " irregularly married some years ago. " Jean Armour and Robert Burns had nine children together, he had at least another four by other women, the last of whom was born on the day of his funeral in July 1796.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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