Old Photograph Drawing Room Brodick Castle Scotland

Old photograph of the drawing room in Brodick Castle, Island of Arran, Scotland. William, 11th Duke of Hamilton married in 1843, Princess Marie of Baden, youngest daughter of the Grand Duke of Baden and Stéphanie de Beauharnais, adopted daughter of Napoleon Bonaparte. In 1844, massive building work was undertaken at the castle, almost tripling the size of the building, under the architect James Gillespie Graham. The Twelfth Duke, William had no male heirs, so although his titles passed to his distant cousin Alfred Douglas Hamilton upon his death, he entailed the castle upon his only daughter the Lady Mary Louise Douglas Hamilton. She married James Graham, 6th Duke of Montrose in 1906, and so after more than five hundred years Brodick castle passed out of the Hamilton family.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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