Old photograph of the Wigton Martyrs Monument in the old cemetery in Stirling, Scotland. The inscriptione reads: " Margaret, Virgin Martyr of the Ocean Wave, with her like minded sister Agnes. " Love, many waters cannot quench " God saves His chaste impearled One! in Covenant true. " O Scotia's daughters! earnest scan the Page " And prize this Flower of Grace blood bought for you. Psalms IX.XIX. Though not directly connected with Stirling, these statues represent the traditional story of Margaret Wilson who, aged 18, was executed by drowning in the Solway Firth for refusing to renounce her Presbyterian principles. A plaque nearby states that statues of heroes of the Scottish Presbyterian Reformation were set up when the cemetery was opened Margaret Wilson was one of the Wigtown Martyrs.
All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.
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