Old Photograph Interior Garth House Scotland

Old photograph of a man playing piano in Garth House in Glen Lyon Perthshire, Scotland. Garth estate was bought in 1832 By Sir Archibald Campbell. He pulled down the old house and built a new Garth House, made a new garden and planted the estate. He sold the estate in 1842. Sir Donald Currie, a famous Victorian shipping magnate who bought Garth Estate in 1880 added to and modernised Garth House. In 1951 this Scottish mansion house was given to the Scottish Youth Hostels Association by the Mrs MacKenzie Anderson mother of Lieut Ian Mackenzie Anderson who died when HM submarine Odin was sunk by enemy action in Tarranton Bay on June 13.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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