Old Photograph Shepherds Dairy Shop Glasgow Scotland

Old photograph of Shepherds Dairy shop in Glasgow, Scotland. The Shepherd surname is of Anglo-Saxon origins. It is usually an occupational name either for someone employed to tend and watch over sheep, or as a town watchkeeper. The derivation is from the pre 7th century word " sceap ", with either " hierde " a herdsman, or " weard ", a watchman. Occasionally the modern surname may derive from an occupational name for a "shipward". Thomas Shypward in 1432, and John Shipward in 1467 being listed in the register of the skilled men of the city of Bristol, England. There are at least ten variant spellings of the surname, ranging from Shepherd, Shephard and Sheppard to Shepeard, Shepheard, Shepperd and Shippard. Amongst the recorded examples of the name in the early surviving church registers of the city of London is the christening of Jone Shepherd on August 3rd 1585, at St. Mary's, Whitechapel, Stepney, whilst Samuell Shepard was an early emigrant to the American colonies, leaving London on the " Defence " in July 1635.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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