Old Photographs Pond Elder Park Govan Scotland

Old photograph of people by the pond in Elder Park in Govan, Glasgow, Scotland. Elder Park was established in 1885 by Mrs Isabella Elder as monument to her shipbuilder husband. Isabella Ure, born 1828, died 1905, was an important philanthropist whose used her wealth and status for the benefit of the wider community, especially championing women's education. A solicitor's daughter, she married John Elder, partner in the marine engineering company of Randolph, Elder and Company in 1857. The firm prospered becoming John Elder and Company in 1868, and taking over the Fairfield shipbuilding yard in Govan. It soon became a world leading company. After John Elder's death in 1869 Isabella Elder supported many charitable causes, notably in Govan and in support of the education of women.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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