Old Photograph Mother And Children Island Of Arran Scotland

Old photograph of a mother walking with her children outside her cottage on the Isle of Arran, Scotland. In the early 19th century Alexander, 10th Duke of Hamilton, born 1767, died 1852, embarked on a programme of clearances that had a devastating effect on the island's population. These " improvements " typically led to land that had been rented out to as many as 27 families being converted into a single farm. In some cases, land was promised in Canada for each adult emigrant male. In April 1829, for example, 86 islanders boarded the brig Caledonia for the two month journey, half their fares being paid for by the Duke. However, on arrival in Quebec only 100 acres was made available to the heads of extended families. Whole villages were removed and the Gaelic culture of the island devastated.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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