Tour Scotland Photograph Video Sheriff Court Edinburgh

Tour Scotland video of the main Sheriff Court on doors open day in Edinburgh, Scotland. The office of sheriff dates from the early days of the Scottish monarchy. In days gone by one of the more powerful local lords in each county was appointed and the office became hereditary in his family. The legal cases which are heard within the Courts are dealt with by a Sheriff. A Sheriff is a Judge who is usually assigned to work in a specific Court, although some work as floating Sheriffs, who may work anywhere in Scotland. There are about a hundred and forty full-time Sheriffs in the various Courts and a number of part time Sheriffs. They are appointed on the recommendation of the Judicial Appointments Board for Scotland. The Courts are staffed by civil servants who are employed by the Scottish Court Service which is a public body, independent of the Scottish Government.

Tour Scotland photograph of the main Sheriff Court on ancestry visit to Edinburgh, Scotland.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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