Tour Scotland Video Drysdale Window Holy Trinity Church Dunfermline Fife

Tour Scotland travel video of the Drysdale memorial stained glass window in the Holy Trinity Church at East Port on ancestry visit to to Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland. In memory of Charles Drysdale, Lance Corporal, Gordon Highlanders who died on the Somme aged 19 on 18th of July 1916. Son of Mrs. Mary Drysdale, of 12, Headwell Rd. Dunfermline, and of the late Charles Drysdale. Bookseller and Vice-Consul at Dunfermline for U.S.A. Returned from Canada to Scotland for the purpose of enlisting. Previously wounded Sept., 1915.

This interesting locational surname name, with the variants Drysdall and Drysdell, is Scottish in origin, from Dryfesdale, a parish in county Dumfries. The parish takes its name from the River Dryfe and the Olde English " Doel " meaning valley. The use of village or parish names for surnames was quite common among persons who migrated from their native homes and would thereafter be known as being from that place. For example, as in the case of two brothers, William and James Douglas who in May 1503 being outlawed from Drysdale as a result of a right of way dispute involving killings, settled in Fife. They changed their names to Drysdale which accounts for the adoption and popularity of the name there.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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