Tour Photograph Video Haunted Stables Crichton Castle Scotland

Tour photograph of the haunted stables at Crichton Castle, Midlothian, Scotland. These Scottish stables are said to be haunted by the ghost of William Crichton. The ghost of a horseman has been seen riding up to the castle and through the original entrance, which has long since been blocked with stone. Some claim the phantom horseman is none other than Sir William Crichton. It also rumoured that the spirit of Sir William Crichton has been seen leaving the stables across from Crichton Castle and entering the castle tower on the anniversary of his death.

Tour Scotland video of Crichton Castle, Scotland.

That castle rises on the steep
Of the green vale of Tyne:
And far beneath, where slow they creep,
From pool to eddy, dark and deep,
Where alders moist and willows weep,
You hear her streams repine.
The towers in different ages rose;
Their various architecture shows
The builders' various hands;
A mighty mass that could oppose,
When deadliest hatred fired its foes,
The vengeful Douglas bands.
From 'Marmion' by Sir Walter Scott

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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