Old Photograph Of Young Lad With His Bicycle In St Andrews

Old photograph of a young lad with his bicycle in St Andrews, Scotland.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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Tour Scotland Video Bleacher Lassie O Kelvinhaugh Auchtermuchty

Tour Scotland video of Bleacher Lassie O Kelvinhaugh song being sung at the Traditional Music Festival in Auchtermuchty, Fife, Scotland. Duncan McRae is a Scotish Traditional Singer. His father was a shepherd and he was born in Glenmaick. His parents weren’t singers but there was plenty music in the house in accordions and penny whistles etc. They moved around Perthshire a lot and he finished his schooling at Coupar Angus J S School. There are many versions of this song.

As I gaed out on a fine simmer's evenin
A-walkin doun by the Broomielaw
It wis thair I spied the fairest lassie
She'd cherrie cheeks an a skin like snaw
Says I, "My lassie, is it you that wanders
All alane by the Broomielaw?"
"O, indeed, kind sir, it's the truth I'll tell ye
I'm the bleacher lassie on Kelvinhaugh"
"O lassie, lassie, dae ye remember
The ships that sailed doun the Broomielaw
An the sailor laddie wha nou admires
The bleacher lassie on Kelvinhaugh?"
"O laddie, laddie, I weill remember
The ships that sailed doun the Broomielaw
But the sailor laddies thae aye got tipsy
Wi the bleacher lassie on Kelvinhaugh"
"O lassie, lassie, will ye gang wi me
An A'll cleid ye up in fine satins braw?"
"O indeed, kind sir, I maun plainly tell ye
I've a laud o my ain an he's faur awa"
"Tis seiven lang years sin a loued a sailor
Tis seiven lang years sin he's gaed awa
Aye, but anither seiven seiven I wad wait upon him
An I'll bleach my claes here on Kelvinhaugh"
"O lassie, lassie, ye hae been faithfu
An ye've thocht on me whan I'm faur awa
Twa herts will surely be rewardit
We'll pairt nae mair here on Kelvinhaugh"
An it's this couple, thae hae got mairriet
An thae keep an alehous atween thaim twa
An the sailor laddies thae aa gang drinkin
At the bleacher lassie's on Kelvinhaugh

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

View the most recent Tour Scotland photographs.

Tour Scotland Video Whaling Song Auchtermuchty

Tour Scotland video of an old whaling song being sung at the Traditional Music Festival in Auchtermuchty, Fife, Scotland. Jock Duncan is one of Scotland’s great traditional singers. A farm worker from the North East, Jock Duncan is a singer of the muckle sangs and bothy ballads of his native Aberdeenshire.

Oh for Greenland we are bound,
To leave our homes behind,
With timbers firm and hearts so warm,
Oh we sail before the wind, the wind,
We sail before the wind.

A blowing breeze came from the south,
Oor sails all seemed asleep,
Oh three cheers more, we clear the shore,
We float upon the deep, the deep,
We float upon the deep.

We leave our sweethearts and our wives,
All weeping on the pier,
"Cheer up my dears we'll soon return,
Oh it's only half a year, a year,
It's only half a year."

With tarry dress we'll reach Stromness,
And there we'll go ashore,
With water,s less and landsmen scarce,
It's there we'll take on more, on more,
It's there we'll take on more.

When at last we reach the ice,
It's there we'll crowd all sail,
With boats we'll man with a very strong band,
For to pursue that whale, that whale,
For to pursue that whale.

Now dark and dreary grows the nights,
The stars begin to burn,
Oor valiant crew with hearts so true,
Full ship we do return, return,
Full ship we do return.

And when we're past the Orkney Isles,
The pilot boat draws near,
We see our sweethearts and our wives,
All waiting on the pier, the pier,
All waiting on the pier.

And when our ship is safely moored,
It's there we get ashore,
With plenty of brass and bonnie lass,
We'll mak yon taverns roar, roar, roar,
We'll make yon taverns roar.

We'll drink a toast to Greenland's frost,
And them we love sae dear,
But back again too it again,
We'll take a trip next year, next year,
We'll take a trip next year

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

View the most recent Tour Scotland photographs.

Tour Scotland Video Roving Ploughboy Auchtermuchty Festival

Tour Scotland video of Roving Ploughboy being sung at the Traditional Music Festival in Auchtermuchty, Fife, Scotland. Heather Haywood singing at the Festival, she is best known for her interpretation of traditional songs, her repertoire is wide with the bulk of her material coming from the Scottish tradition. There are many different versions of this song.

Come saddle tae me my auld grey mare.
Come saddle tae me my pony O.
An I'll tak the road and I’ll go far away.
After ma rovin ploughboy O

Ploughboy O, oh ploughboy, O.
I'll follow the rovin ploughboy O

Last night I lay on a fine feather bed.
Sheets and blankets sae cosy O.
This night I maun lie in a cauld barn shed.
Wrapped in the arms of my ploughboy O.

A champion ploughman, my Geordie O.
Cups and medals and prizes O.
On bonny Deveronside there are none to compare.
Wi my jolly rovin ploughboy O.

So fare ye weel tae auld Huntly toon.
Fare ye weel Drumdelgie O.
For noo I’m on the road and I’m gaun far away.
After ma rovin ploughboy O.

Last chorus.
Ploughboy O, oh ploughboy O.
I'll follow my rovin ploughboy O

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

View the most recent Tour Scotland photographs.

Tour Scotland Video Harvesting Oilseed Rape Perthshire August 15th

Tour Scotland travel of harvesting in rural Perthshire, Scotland. Harvesting of the oilseed crop is preceeded by dessication, spraying to kill the plant evenly, leaving it to dry, and then harvesting it. Quite windy today with long spells of sunshine followed by showers of rain.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

View the most recent Tour Scotland photographs.