Derelict Clearances Cottages With Music On History Visit To Morven Highlands Of Scotland

Tour Scotland short 4K Summer travel video clip, with Scottish music, of derelict highland clearances cottages on ancestry, genealogy, family history visit and trip to Morven in the Highlands of Lochaber, Britain, United Kingdom. Before the Highland clearances the population of Morvern was about 2,500 but the area was emptied of its people. Glen after glen was turned into sheep walks, and the cottages in which generations of gallant Highlanders had lived and died were unroofed, their torn walls and gables left standing like mourners beside the grave, and the little plots of garden or of cultivated enclosure allowed to merge into the moorland pasture. Every property in the parish changed hands, and rich land owners arrived in place of the old families, yet they were strangers to the people, neither understanding their language nor their ways. At one stroke of the pen two hundred of the people were ordered off their land. There was not one of these whom I did not know, and their fathers before them ; and finer men and women never left the Highlands. The sense of change was intensely saddened as ruined houses were here, there, and everywhere. The hills which had once borne a happy people and echoed the voices of joyous children was now silent. The Highlanders here were now in other lands. August is the last full month of Summer in Scotland and a prime time to explore Scotland's natural attractions with long daylight hours, upwards of 13 to 15 hours per day. This is one of the warmest months of the year, along with July, and you should expect some rain, though just how much depends on where you travel. Of interest to folks with ancestry, genealogy or Scottish Family Roots in Scotland who may wish to visit one day. Find things to see and do in Scotland where you are always welcome. The date for astronomical Summer in Scotland is Tuesday, 21 June, ending on Friday, 23 September. @tourscotland All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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