Tour Scotland Travel Video Amulree and Strathbraan Church Highland Perthshire

Tour Scotland Summer travel video of Amulree and Strathbraan Church on ancestry visit to Highland Perthshire, Scotland. Amulree parish church contains copies of records of the large number of people who stayed in the area prior to mass emigration, mostly to North Easthope, Canada, in the early 19th Century. Amulree Church was built between 1743 and 1752 and remodelled in 1882 by John Douglas of Edinburgh who was also responsible for Palladianising Blair Castle in 1736 and designing Taymouth Castle in 1746. The Amulree church bell was cast in 1519 in Belgium by William van den Ghein who also made the bell for Henry VIII’s warship, the Mary Rose.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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