Old Travel Blog Photograph Potarch Bridge Scotland

Old travel Blog photograph of Potarch Bridge over the River Dee between Kincardine o'Neil and Banchory, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. The bridge was built in 1811 by Thomas Telford as part of his commission on Highland roads and bridges, however, local people had been campaigning and fundraising for a bridge for over a century before hand, with records from 1698 detailing funds raised. The bridge was one of a small number Telford built in Aberdeenshire which were not constructed within a road project, but as stand alone structures which could provide great benefit on their own. The bridge itself is a substantial three arch stone bridge with a slightly larger centre arch flanked by matching smaller arches. It is perhaps a little grander than the many smaller bridges built by Telford, with triangular cutwaters on the piers rising to hexagonal refuges on either side of the roadway. The road is a little narrow by modern standards, and with a slight rise over the centre arch, but two cars can pass with safety.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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