Tour Scotland Video Photographs Stained Glass Windows McManus Galleries Dundee

Tour Scotland wee video of photographs of stained glass windows in McManus Galleries on ancestry visit to Dundee, Scotland

Tour Scotland video of the Mary Of Queen Of Scots window in McManus Galleries on ancestry visit to Dundee, Scotland. Mary’s first visit to the City was on 19th September 1561, barely a month after her return from France on the first of her several progresses taking her from Edinburgh to Perth, Perthshire, Dundee, St. Andrews, Falkland, Fife, and back to Edinburgh. Mary was again in Dundee in September 1564 when she granted the lands now known as the Howff to be a burial ground outwith the then City Walls.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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