Old Photograph The Drosten Pictish Stone St Vigeans Scotland

Old photograph of the Drosten Pictish Stone at St Vigeans near Arbroath, Angus, Scotland. The Drosten Stone is a Class 2 cross slab: a flat rectangular stone with a cross carved on one side and symbols on the other. The stone is unusual in having a non ogham inscription. There are many possibilities for the origin of the stone. One is as a monument to a noble or ecclesiastic called Drosten, a common Pictish name related to Tristan, who died in the reign of Uoret and Fergus. The second possibility is a dedication to the popular Pictish Saint Drostan, or perhaps to Saints Drostan and Fergus. The final possibility is that Drosten and Fergus had the stone made.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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