Old Photograph Boys On Horses Clifton Hall School Scotland

Old photograph of boys on horses at Clifton Hall School located near Newbridge in Midlothian, Scotland. The school was founded in 1930 by Richard Killick and Robert Ainslie, formerly teachers at Merchiston Castle School. Clifton Hall was originally opened as a traditional boarding prep school, with boys aged from five to thirteen. When Ainslie left to found Blairmore School in 1937, the roll of children had grown from four to forty-three, though the Great Depression had somewhat hindered growth. Further developments were interrupted by the Second World War, when the Royal Air Force requisitioned the building, forcing the school to move to Kinloch House in Amulree, Perthshire. After the War, the school grew rapidly to its then capacity of one hundred pupils.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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