Tour Scotland Video Old Photographs Of Annan

Tour Scotland video of old photographs of Annan near Dumfries, Scotland. Annan stands on the River Annan from which it is named. It was at Annan in December 1332 that supporters of Robert The Bruce overwhelmed Balliol's forces to bring about the end of the first invasion of Scotland in the Second War of Scottish Independence. The Balliols and the Douglases were also more or less closely associated with Annan. During his retreat from Derby, Bonnie Prince Charlie stayed at an Inn on the High Street. Annan served as a maritime town whose shipyards built many clippers and other boats. Lieutenant-Colonel George Johnston, born in Annan on 19 March 1764, died 5 January 1823, was briefly Lieutenant-Governor of New South Wales, Australia after leading the rebellion later known as the Rum Rebellion.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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