Tour Scotland Video Lightning Stac Pollaidh Northwest Scottish Highlands

Tour Scotland video of storm clouds and lightning over Stac Pollaidh, Scotland. Stac Pollaidh is a mountain in the Northwest Highlands of Scotland. The peak displays a rocky crest of Torridonian sandstone, with many pinnacles and steep gullies. The name Stac Pollaidh is often anglicised to Stack Polly. Due to its relatively low height of just over 2000 feet, fine views and ease of access from a road it has become a very popular peak to climb. Stac Pollaidh can be climbed in less than 3 hours by any relatively fit person. From the car park on the shore of Loch Lurgainn the path leads directly up, under the spires of the crest. Mountains and Glens of Scotland. Lochs and Rivers of Scotland. Lightning is a sudden electrostatic discharge during an electrical storm between electrically charged regions of a cloud, called intra-cloud lightning or IC, between that cloud and another cloud, CC lightning, or between a cloud and the ground, CG lightning. The charged regions in the atmosphere temporarily equalize themselves through this discharge referred to as a strike if it hits an object on the ground, and a flash, if it occurs within a cloud.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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