Old Photograph Harry Kemp's Entertainers Saltcoats Scotland

Old photograph of Harry Kemp's Entertainers in Saltcoats, Scotland. Harry Kemp introduced a series of concert parties during the 1922 summer season at the La Scala cinema in Saltcoats. This proved to be the first of the renowned Kemp Summer Shows which ran at venues up and down the Ayrshire Coast. Kemp also invested heavily in Saltcoats' cinemas, with the Regal and La Scala cinemas in Saltcoats remaining in Kemp family ownership after Harry's death in 1972. Amongst the many performers who featured in Kemp's shows at the Beach Pavillion was Dave Willis, born 1895, died 1973, a Scottish comedian and actor well-known for his music hall performances in 1930s and 1940s. Willis also made two films for Welwyn Studios, co-starring with Patricia Kirkwood. Built on the site of the old Minstrel Stance, the Beach Pavilion was constructed to house summer shows. The Beach Pavilion, built as part of the Lido Complex, was also used a cartographic centre during World War II.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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