Tour Scotland Video Crookit Bawbee Song

Tour Scotland video of two wonderful Scots singing the Crookit Bawbee Song in Auchtermuchty, Fife, Scotland. Bill Brechin was born in Aberdeen, and many years ago played in the Dysart Colliery Band. For the past 55 years he has lived in Dunfermline, Fife. Nancy Rennie, sang in the old days with the Burntisland Palais Band, and lives in Kinghorn, Fife. They are both wonderful Scots.

"Oh! whar awa’ got ye that auld crookit penny?
For ane o’ bricht gowd wad ye niffer wi’ me?
Richt fu’ are baith ends o’ my green silken wallet,
An’ braw will yer hame be in bonnie Glen Shee."

"It’s oh! that I saw the dear laddie that had it,
Wha when we were bairnies twa, gied it to me;
For a’ the bricht gowd in yer green silken wallet,
I never wad niffer my crookit bawbee."

"Oh! whar awa’ got ye that auld worsted plaidie?
A mantle o’ satin were fitter for thee;
I wad cleed ye wi’ satin, an’ mak’ ye a lady,
Gin ye will gang wi’ me to bonnie Glen Shee."

"Ye may cleed me wi’ satin an’ mak’ me a lady
An tak’ me aft wi’ ye to bonnie Glen Shee;
But the heart that beats true ‘neath this auld worsted plaidie
Was gi’en him lang syne for this crookit bawbee."

"Ye ken na’ the laddie that gied ye the penny,
Ye ken na’ the laddie wha’s true been to thee;
But I ken the lassie that wears the auld plaidie,
The lassie that keepit my crookit bawbee."

"An’ ye are the laddie that gave me the penny,
The laddie I'll lo’e till the day that I dee;
Ye may cleed me wi’ satin, an’ mak’ me a lady,
An’ I will gang wi’ ye to bonnie Glen Shee."

ane: one
auld: old
awa': away
bairnies: babies, children
baith: both
bawbee: penny or half-penny
braw: handsome, fine
bricht: bright
cleed: clad, clothed
crookit: crooked
gang: go
gin: if
gowd: gold
ken: know
lo'e: love
na': not
niffer: trade
twa: two
wad: would
whar: where

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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