A Vision Of Wild Scotland Photography Book

High Light. A Vision of Wild Scotland. High Light: A Vision of Wild Scotland. Colin Prior's work is about landscape photography at its limits. Shooting at the magic hours of dusk and dawn, he catches those rare moments when composition, fine light and colour combine to create a remarkable image. Each photograph captures fleeting moments of nature which will never repeat themselves exactly. The images verge on obsession, Prior camped out on the remotest peaks in Scotland to obtain them. This stunning new collection documents the dynamic nature of the Highlands landscape and wildlife, and sounds a clarion call for a new, engaged naturalism. In a world where the environment is increasingly being damaged, Prior argues, we should regain touch with what's left of the natural landscape rather than rely solely on superimposed solutions. A key reason why the natural environment is now in peril is precisely because of failures to understand its dynamic, in-flux nature. The portfolio combines breathtaking new examples of Prior's trademark panoramas - which continually appeal to the tourist/travel market - with a range of new medium-format images that push the boundaries of digital photography, of huge interest to his dedicated technical following.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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