Tour Scotland Video Blairgowrie Pipe Band Walled Garden Perth

Tour Scotland video of the Blairgowrie Pipe Band in Perth, Scotland. Blairgowrie Pipe Band playing at a fundraising event in the walled garden of Murray Royal Hospital, Perth, Scotland. The band wears Clan Macpherson's bonnet, Glengarry badges and kilt pins and the old red Macpherson tartan. Murray Royal Hospital is located in the Kinnoull area of the City of Perth and within one mile of Perth City Centre, a distance that can be walked for most people in approximately 20 minutes, although there is a steep gradient up to the Hospital along Lochie Brae from Main Street which is the main access route for pedestrians and cyclists as well as those using public transport or travelling by car.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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