Old Photographs Of North Glasgow Scotland

Old Photographs Of North Glasgow, Scotland. Over than two hundred old pictures and a wealth of superbly presented facts, anecdotes and opinions on the way North Glasgow was. North Woordside, Maryhill, Lambhill, Ruchill, Possilpark, and Springburn are all examined in great detail using a series of images which illustrates the changes over the past 100 years and the sense of community that is prevalent in this area of Glasgow. The photographs, which come from a variety of local sources, are enhanced by carefully researched captions which draw on author's vast local knowledge. This book contains nostalgic pictures of tramcars, tenement buildings, streets, schools, shops and public houses that have now gone, including images from W.D. MacMillan's tramcar photographs of the fifties. Particular focus is given to the Springburn locomotive industry and every aspect of the community is focused on from Possil House to Maryhill Football Club. North Glasgow (Archive Photographs: Images of Scotland) (Archive Photographs: Images of Scotland).

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